MRI 3 Tesla
The first 3 Tesla in Kwa-Zulu Natal. The 3 Tesla MRI machine
provides very high resolution images that are superior in image
quality especially in the breast, musculoskeletal system and brain.
Vascular imaging is also markedly improved on a 3 Tesla MRI. Whole
body scans for the detection of the spread of cancer can also
be done. In addition it has a 70cm bore making it more spacious
and comfortable for patients.
An MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan is a sophisticated form
of imaging that produces a cross sectional view of the internal
structures of the body. The test does not involve X-rays, but
utilizes a strong magnetic field instead, and consists of a circular
scanner through which the patient passes on a table. The scanner
sends in radio frequency pulses to the patient where it is absorbed
by various tissues within the body. The radio frequency pulse
is then returned back to the scanner allowing the MRI computer
to reconstruct an image which is representative of the internal
architecture of the body.
There are a variety of disorders which are amenable to investigation
with MRI such as disorders of the brain and spine. The findings
of an MRI scan often complement those identified by other imaging
studies such as ultrasound or CT (computed tomography) scan. The
precise role for MRI scanning for patients with various gastrointestinal
tract disorders is also continuing to develop.
MRI is particularly useful in identifying early stroke. Stroke
patients may now be successfully treated if certain criteria are
met, especially within the FIRST THREE HOURS of onset of symptoms.